The Hassan Hathout Foundation

Eleventh Annual Student Contest (2020)


Each student should describe a project, personal activity or experience, historic event, or current world event, and submit an essay highlighting how this relates to growing a loving heart and to their faith. Supporting material may include excerpts from the Quran, sayings of the prophets, life stories of people of faith, or writings of the late Dr. Hassan Hathout or any other religious scholars.
Two to three pages are required.

Papers exceeding four pages will not be reviewed.

Check List:
1) Provide requested information including student  name, email, etc.
2) Submit your school's name, phone number & address.
3) Remove student or school name from the essay.
4) Upload your essay (pdf or Microsoft Word file) by 12/7/2020.
5) Limit your essay to 4 pages max!
6) Verify your contact inormation so we reach you.

Email your essay to if you encounter any issues with this website.
Please send information requested on this page in your email.

Student Information
Click the Upload File button to submit your essay as a pdf or Microsoft Word file
Parents & School Information
The Hassan Hathout Foundation ( is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to spread the message of 'Love in God'.
Hassan Hathout Foundation, P.O.Box 609, South Pasadena, CA 91031
© Your Name. All rights reserved.